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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gimme a Spring Break

Spring break was last week for the children in our family. They all enjoyed a week free from classwork, homework and alarm clocks ringing early in the morning. How lovely it would be to be carefree once again! Those days seem so far away from where I am now.....a chronic worry wart. Give me a molehill and I will make a mountain.

My worrying has evolved over the years. There was a time when I worried about my own health. Every ache, pain, rash, headache or other ailment had me running to the the doctor and later even worse, Web M.D., which by the way should block amateur self diagnosers such as myself. I can't tell you how many diseases I've diagnosed myself with thanks to the symptom checker. A few years ago I began having strange vision interruptions that sometimes included blind spots or weird waves and on some occasions I would lose periphial vision. I was convinced I had a terrible terminal illness.

I began thinking about my funeral and worried because there weren't any decent pictures of me to display at the funeral home. What funeral home should I use? What if no one came to the funeral? Where on earth would they find anyone who could do anything with this frizzy head of hair? Did I have to have gospel music or could I get a little Lynyrd Synyrd or Fleetwood Mac? I spent more time worrying about the big send off than I did worrying about the terrible terminal disease that turned out to be migraines. Yep, that's how I roll.

I still worry about me from time to time but most of my worry is for my kids and grandkids. I worry about the decline in morals and the rising national debt that they will inherit. I worry about how they will afford to go to college. I worry about their physical health and their mental health. It's a stressful world now...what will it be in years to come?

As I write this blog I have had an epiphany, I am the one in need of a spring break. Yes, that's exactly what I need. A week away from work related stress and the hectic early mornings. A week away from days filled with multiple loads of laundry and dirty dishes. A week just for me filled with Butterfingers, Reese's Cups and Diet Dr Pepper's. Throw in a few trashy romance novels and it's a done deal.

Now that I think about it, a spring break may not be the best idea. I would probably spend the entire week worrying about being buried alive under the growing pile of dirty laundry or the weight gain fom all the chocolate. Spring break is for the kiddos! They've got better things to do than worry.

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