This new generation of young adults just do not get it. Wait, did I just make reference to a younger generation? Hard to read what I just wrote. When I was the age of the younger generation I referred to, I thought I would be forever young. Bet some of these 30 somethinger's do not realize that they are driving a race car in the fast lane to 50 and they still have a lot to learn before they get there. Open your minds and your hearts boys and girls. You may be grown but you ain't all that...not yet! And even when you think you're not.
Getting back to the statement I made about young adults who don't get it. I'm referring to attitudes...I have seen some bad ones from some grown men and women. You can't tell some of them anything because (God Bless 'em) they know everything. I thought that was a teen affliction but apparently, it's carrying over into adulthood. Respect and honor for older family members and friends are lost, just as I am about to reach an age to collect them.
I don't want to be too hard on the young folk because in all honesty, they may not be 100% at fault. They have so much information available to them that they cannot help but think they are smarter than they actually are. Everybody has a laptop, smart phone or tablet and the answer to any question is only a google away. Which is why I am taking time to compile a list for the young folk/old folk protocol. I thought a list (I love making lists) would be a helpful aid to others....not for myself or because I am in the process of transitioning into the old folks category.
It's risky business, list making, there's always a chance I might get it wrong but I am determined to try. So here I go........
1. Never, ever, ever intentionally make momma, daddy, grandmother, granddaddy feel less than they are. In fact, do the opposite make them feel more than they are. Don't forget they are the reason YOU ARE.
2. Dear young folk, you may have read it, therefore you know it. Don't forget some of us older folks lived it, therefore we know it better.
3. You don't have to call us ma'am and sir. Just call us.
4. Don't waste precious time telling us what we did wrong. If we've lived past 50....chances are we know and we regret it.
5. Don't act like our advise is wrong and unwanted even if it is. Keep in mind that one day you may be giving unsolicited bad advise with the best of intentions.
6. When you're driving remember you're sharing the roads with older folks. Don't blow your horn at slow drivers, save your dirty looks for the mirror, and keep your hands and middle fingers on the wheel.
7. Sometimes older folks (ladies more than men) forget their age when getting dressed. Don't stare...remember in a few years this could be you or your spouse. Older folk always look nice (especially ladies).
8. You've heard that story before. So what! There may come a day when you would give anything to hear it one more time.
9. Respect us. We need that. We made it this far....that counts for something!
10. Love us. We don't have to be the most important thing in your life.... for you to be the most important thing in ours.