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Friday, October 10, 2014


I'm not too fond of the world as it is these days.  I don't like all the hurry up and get here, so there will be time to go there, and do this or that. People are rushing everywhere I go, myself included. Just last night my husband and I rushed through a quick dinner at Burger King so we could rush to a ballgame to watch our favorite majorette perform during the halftime show. We walked over to the opposing teams side to get a better view of the band, which by the way is AWESOME!! We had to walk up and then back down steps guarded by a handrail to get to the opposing teams side. The only problem we had with that was on the way down when a man,( who was obviously on his way to give lifesaving medical help to some unfortunate person) almost knocked me down as he swooped in from underneath the guard rail  directly in my path. Thank goodness I was holding onto the guardrail or I would have been, the person in need of medical treatment. It was only moments later that I realized my mistake in assuming he had a justifiable excuse for his reckless hurried behavior, when I saw him standing around chatting it up with some folks. I was glad to see that he his reckless regard for the safety of others was for a good reason.

I do not like the uncaring, self absorbed people that we have become. I can remember when families were close and helped each other. Everyone knew when and what everyone else needed and there was almost always someone there to help out. Between my uncles and granddaddy, they could do anything from growing a garden to building a spaceship. Maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration but you get the jest of it. We always knew firsthand when someone was sick, getting married, coloring their hair, getting a haircut, having a baby or buying a car. These days, if you're not friends with your family on facebook or following them on twitter you don't know what they're up to. The excuse is always the same, "Too busy to call or too busy to stop by".  Facebook has replaced face2face. We find out what our family is up to the same time their 1,200 other friends do.

People will say I'm a sucker. But the only thing I hate worse than seeing someone standing in a public place with a sign asking for food or a little money is seeing all the people that drive past them as if they don't exist. Really? You can drive by in your air conditioned, late model care munching on a burger with a trunk full of groceries without helping? I realize that not all of the sign holder's are as needy as they appear and that there is a chance money goes for drugs or alcohol. What about buying a gift card  from a fast food place or grocery store to keep in your glovebox, just in case? Buy a bus ticket home for someone, get a hotel room for a night, do what you can. The worse thing you can do is nothing.

Have you noticed the way people use the internet to hurt others? All it takes is one bad person full of venom to ruin another person's reputation. We all know if we read it on the internet, it's true, right? WRONG!! There are some very cunning, intelligent people behind some of the anonymously authored blogs in cyberspace. Being well written, looking and sounding authentic means nothing when truth isn't factored in.
As Americans, we're all fond of holidays. Maybe we should consider a holiday devoted to slowing  or pace, family time and commitment, helping those in need and building people up instead of tearing them down. You know what? Scratch that, everyday should be about those things.

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