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Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Search for Sunday

Has anyone seen Sunday? I ain't seen a proper Sunday in so long that I am seriously considering filing a missing day report.

I was thinking about the happy Sunday's from my childhood and I can't remember anyone rushing off for a Sunday afternoon shopping trip as soon as the last AMEN was said. In fact it was just the opposite, we couldn't have shopped if we wanted to....stores were closed on Sundays. Nope, we didn't shop on Sundays. We visited with family or took naps after church.

To the best of my knowledge, nobody in the family worked on Sunday's either. Sunday was a day when things came to a temporary halt. Kinda like Christmas day is now but without the quik marts open on every corner. People didn't work because there weren't many jobs needing to be done that couldn't wait until Monday.

We didn't go to restaurants for a Sunday lunch. We ate at Grandmother and Granddaddy Holden's house with the rest of the family. If there was ever a time that grandmother decided to load everybody up and head to a restaurant instead of cooking Sunday lunch....I surely do not remember it. The women cooked, the men talked and the kids played and we all ate lunch together.

I've been trying to figure out how it happened. Sunday didn't just up and disappear all of a sudden. Had that been the case, I feel certain that an immediate search would have been launched resulting in Sunday being returned to it's rightful position asap. No, that's not how it happened. Sunday's disapearance was so gradual that folks just failed to take notice.

I guess how it happened isn't really that important. The concern now is whether or not Sunday will ever be found. I hope you will join me in the search for Sunday and if you happen to find him before I do, please let him know I miss him....... almost as much as I miss grandmother and granddaddy.

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