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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Free Ketchup Debate

 I am so tired of hearing about the government shutdown. Grown men and women who have the responsibility of overseeing the running of our great nation are acting like toddlers fighting over who gets the next lick on the giant lollipop. I don't understand a lot of what happens in politics. I think politicians work really hard to make sure the average American either doesn't fully understand, or has a complete misunderstanding of what is going on behind the scenes in this beautiful country they all seem bent on destroying.

I wonder what would happen if every employee at McDonald's each chose a fellow employee to form a committee to represent all the burger flippers, french fry fryers and order takers. Then they elected one person as the "Big Burger Guy". Big Burger guy and the burger flipper reps wanted to pass out extra  ketchup but the french fry fryer reps are opposed. They argue and decide the only solution is to close every single McDonald's restaurant. What do you suppose would happen to those representatives? I am pretty simple minded, but I would imagine they would be fired before they could say, "Can I take your order?".

Too bad there is not such a simple solution for America.  Our country is in the hands of people who have forgotten what it feels like to show loyalty to those of us who gave them a voice. America has big problems! I think of all those who died and sacrificed to make this country great and I weep, We have placed our well being in the hands of those whose main concern is their own well being. We should all be concerned for America's best interest. Is there hope for a successful union in Washington? I am far too ignorant to answer that, but I do think that even though America is a pretty old gal....... too old to start over, she is certainly young enough to keep going. We just need some new burger flippers,  french fry fryers, order takers and of course a new "Big Burger Guy" (or gal)! God bless America and those who serve her with a true and loyal heart!

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